Tomo Skorupskio blogas

Tomo Skorupskio blogas

2015 m. lapkričio 21 d., šeštadienis

Europa Calling

Mano Europa niekuomet nebuvo tokia, kokią mums bando nupiešti kuoktelėję savižudžiai. Mano Europa – tai Tradicijos Europa su visa jos didinga istorija, su visu nemirtingu menu, kultūra, per ilgus amžius susiformavusiais ir nusistovėjusiais papročiais, didžiajai vakarų europidų atšakai būdingu gyventojų išvaizdos tipu. - V. Michalovskis

[Vertimas iš vokiečių kalbos]

Your heart is in Rome,
To another Paris,
London, Berlin
Den Haag and Madrid
Old Europe
Has many hearts,
Has many crowns,
That never dim.

Say Moscow and feel:
You are alone
Bid New York
And you are
in a foreign land.

Shangai, Benares
are adventures,
Sydney and Rio;
A greeting from afar.

Wherever your dream
takes you,
Always you will return,
Home to Athens
To Vienna or Oslo.

Just say: Europe
And listen to your Heart.

-George Forestier (from "My Song for Europe")

Don't you see the tide is turning
Towers tubling to the ground
Can't you see the world is burning
The spirit's waiting to be found

Don't you know a fire's burning
Since the ancient times of Rome
Don't you hear Europa calling
For him who leads the children home

Can't you hear the thunder roaring
It's time to wake up from that sleep
Can't you hear Europa crying
Her painful longing to be freed?

Don't you know a fire's burning
Since the ancient times of Rome
Don't you hear Europa calling
For him who leads the children home

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